Having worked with a variety of organisations, such as Hutchinson Builders and Wiley to create a range of animated safety, animated training, and employee safety videos, we understand the need for effective employee communication in the employee safety space and can create high-quality videos and animations that engage your staff, and meet your organisation’s compliance requirements.

Keeping people safe

Safety training is the fastest-growing market for video and animation, and for good reason. There is no better way to create deep engagement around safety than through video and animation. When lives matter, every percentage increase counts.

Vmation has developed safety content and safety training for a range of clients in high-risk industries, providing us with a strong understanding of what works best to engage employees in the safety space.

This is one of our core specialties and over the years we have developed systems and processes to make it extremely easy for our clients to create highly effective and engaging safety videos.

recent safety video

Check out some of our recent animated safety video we have created for our awesome clients.

viewer retention on video

Studies have shown that video dramatically improves people’s ability to remember concepts and details.

It is far easier for people to understand and absorb information by watching video content. With video, you can explain and demonstrate procedures with visuals to help employees learn by example.

  • Watch video – 69%
  • Read text – 18%
  • View an infographic – 4%

Don’t need all the bells and whistles of a full service agency?

Check out our you-shoot-we-edit option, SelfV.