It’s a truth universally acknowledged that no one likes to read instruction manuals. Stemming from a desire of many buyers in the market to try before they buy, web video continues to be a popular choice, over reading written instructions for consumers wanting to know more about a product or service. Explainer or tutorial videos come in all shapes and sizes. However, they share a common goal: to educate viewers in an engaging and easy to digest way.
Customers at both the pre-purchase and post-purchase stage are turning to explainer videos to gain a better understanding of what happens once they finalise their transaction. According to data recently released by Google, YouTube users are three times more likely to prefer watching a tutorial video than reading a product’s instructions.
In fact, in the last two years, the equivalent of 50,000 years of product review videos has been watched on mobile devices alone. Further, in the same period, views of “everything you need to know” videos have doubled on mobile devices.
Of course, this isn’t just relevant to people buying tangible, out of the box products. Consumers want to make informed decisions about where to spend their money, wherever that might be. If you’re in the B2B market, then for you that means educating your audience on what it means to work with you. Create a tutorial video to explain your products or services. Then, take this one step further and add another layer to your video marketing strategy by demonstrating who you are and what your business stands for with a culture or “about us” video. All of this plays a part in building trust with your audience and that leads to getting customers across the line.
All of these stunning facts and figures really come down to one thing; providing your audience with the information that they need, in the format that they want. That’s another universal truth, but it’s one that you can do something about.