Having an effective marketing strategy can do wonders for your company’s ROI. However, New technologies, phase-out of cookies & the rollout of iOS15 are rapidly altering the email landscape which can change the entire game from 2021 onwards.


Fortunately, our friends at Interactive Minds HQ have organised an event to address the issue to help us stay one step ahead of the game!


The best part? We’ve got extra tickets to the event! Two lucky winners will be attending this event with us where you will learn: 

  • The latest acquisition, conversion and tracking techniques
  • The impact the Apple ios 15 will have on email tracking
  • How to effectively utilise first-party data and customer segmentation to drive a targeted profiling experience
  • How to leverage automation and AI to drive efficiency and impactful content
  • Current trends and innovations in design and content
  • Cutting-edge techniques to increase open rates, deliverability and reach


From keynote speakers from Vision6, Michael Barnard from Customology, Ashley Debenham from Etax and Jay Ramanah from Easy Skill.


Event info:


Fill in the form below to stand a chance at winning a ticket.

*Winners will be chosen at random using a third party generator app